Monday, 19 September 2011

watching bathory. anyone want these 2 share pack of doritos the knobsack left on weds? salted and tangy cheese. i dont eat that crap.
does anyone else find 'frapes' rather childish?
lost a stone! think i might have put it back on after the pizza ive just eaten.
THIS IS TAKING THE FUCKING PISS! appointment was for 12:10pm. im still waiting. never seeing this doctor ever again. always 30+ mins late! my arse is numb as hell and im getting cranky.
docs at 12:10. oh the fun. its doctor woodcock today, which means i will be waiting an extra half hour.
i love my son ste! dont ever change who you are babs!
grrr! :@
wrestling munchies! arent i being healthy? :p

((This is a snack. Jesus Christ))
chesterfield. where everyone stabs each other in the back yet kiss each others arses. what a wonderful town this is.
well thats just made me want to cry. my favourite top has gone bye bye. too big for me. As is my favourite skirt...ebay for that one!!! rare plus size skirt like that should fetch a pretty penny *sniff sniff*
that mood where you are feeling genocidal and everyone would get it! :p

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Rant of the day!!!! Im sick of seeing people advertising pets in these selling groups!! Think before you buy any pet, do full fucking research as well. If you havent got the time dont get a pet of any sort!!!!! Once you have a pet FUCKING LOOK AFTER IT INSTEAD OF PASSING IT OFF LIKE IT DOESNT MATTER!! They are YOUR responsibility. Dont breed to just get cash dont know whats going to happen to the babies. People really piss me off with how irrasponsible they are.
yup im in grumpy snappy mood!
men are out, my bike and my boys are my priority. seems any alternative lads are unable to handle me. cowards! whats the matter? tooo metal for yaaaa?! haha

((More like 'due to scampi and microwave pizza'))
could do with getting hammered!
feel like hell. just want to hide away.
((She says, on a social networking website))
going to concentrate on my bike and my boys. leland has a cyst. popped a little, got to keep it clean.
well, guess im dumped then. no attempt at contact, thanks! i feel even more worthless now
guess im just not good enough. going to have a couple of days thinking time. need to figure out why im not good enough for anyone. see you all in 2days. i have no credit or free texts to reply and my phone may be switched off. laters.
\m/ horns to my metal sisters!
so nervous, just jabbered away. haha. forgot how shy i can get.
 ((This is inregards to when SG's 'boyfriend' 'came round to her house'. There is no boyfriend))
yawn! people who can only use my weight or my mental illness to insult just bores me. same shit different people. try using a braincell and come up with something good. then again, you cant waste your last braincell thinking of a intelligent insult...oh wait,you need that last braincell to walk. your so boring its curing my insomnia! haha
exciting times ahead. boyfriend,bike stuff, new night to go out too and cousin sammi to take for first tattoo.
fuckinghell im exausted. nap time!
ive got a motorbike! wohoo!
Sorry lads, im taken. not letting anyone know who it is till we are ready. lets just say, never felt so calm with anyone before. im happy.
YEEEES! Theres going to be a rock n metal night on a SATURDAY! bar battery, i love you! cant wait for that to start!
i have no credit to reply to texts. wont have any credit till saturday.
Feel like ive been beaten up in my sleep. Not feeling very well today. :(
grumpy mood :/ will have no texts or credit tomorrow. moto jumble wasnt on today but a truck fair was. Saw one of the ice road truckers there. got my eye on a lovely silver low rider at the moment. hoping he still has it.
Tattoos creamed, time to dry my hair, get into some warm clothing and then watch stuff ive recorded.
going to newark on sunday with the pops. i may be on two wheels by the end of the year!!!
((I assume she's talking about a wheelchair))

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Ive decided i want a tshirt made saying "NOT child friendly. Keep children away from her. Only safe when in a drunken good mood." Also, i may regret getting mum tha example song!!! Shes blasting it out at the moment.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Wants cuddlebuddy :P also, word of the day ia Gecko
aaaaaand relax.
You try to help someone and they just fucking blank you!!! Hes deleted. Fucking spoiled brat needs to stop having temper tantrums because he cant get his own way. He hasnt got a mental illness. Hes just a spoiled fucking bratt!!!! "my mum and dad wont come with me to the hospital" What are you fucking 5!!! At 19 you do shit for yourself. Grow up you infuriating little attention seeking imp!!!
Leland has a solid lump on his tummy. Looks like im going to be down to one rat in the next few months.
Im bored of the music i have at the muisc. Bring me new stuff! i command you all to do gooooo fetch!! :P
sorry all. read my antipsychotics leaflet and common symptons in the first month are increased depression, wanting to self harm, high feeling of loneliness and worthlessness and suicidal thoughts increase. im okay now. i apologise for upsetting anyone.
mmm bit happier in my mood day.
cuddles anyone? :/
offloaded alot of buried emotions unintentionally on someone today. thank you for understanding. i will make it up to you. going to sleep sad as always (as of late). you who have somebody who wants you and those who have very close friends, treasure them. you are lucky thats for sure. new tattoos pics are up. Night night.
if you fancy me and admit it, like this status. *clap clap* (yes im bored)
tattoos done. happy happy joy joy! Also does anyone have a hot air gun they no longer need or can lend me? for free either way. if you could help that would be great.
((Someone's comment to SG on a status:))
Aww sweetie me and jenny was just saying we're gonna do something with you soon lol so I'm gonna arrange a night out and do it goth style!! :D

((SG's response:))

Haha. prefer metaller style buti suppose i could goth it up for one night. Aww thank you babes. I need to get my social life back. Still not heard back from dwp about if ive passed my medical or not. 5 weeks ive been waiting. Its doing my nut in. If i have passed it party time!! its a cause for celebration (and an excuse to drink)
Right, im off to get stabbed with needles. See you in a few hours people. if you need me, text me. havent got my number? ...its on my profile. Timefor some paaaaaaaaaaain!!!!
not feeling very well today. to tattoo or not to tattoo?
well its goodnight frome me,gray and leland. had a good couple of days. plenty to smile about. sweet dreams all.
its weird how i have my chinese, come back on facebook and look on my wall feed to see alot of you having chinese. haha. saturday is officially chinese takeaway day!
Actually starting to fel like i dont want to be single odd
fuckinghell the lower part of body hurts. eye watering pain. Also, anyone want to take me up to my uncles tomorrow at 2pm? :p
Im in quite a good mood. :)
shopping done. knackered!
((2 2 litre bottles of vodkat, a bin-liner full of cashews and some ryvita ((for the diet))
right, time for bed. Got busy day tomorrow. later duuuuuuuudes!!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

watching animal 24:7. gets me so angry how some people treat their pets. :@ another rottweiler not looked after very well. grrr! its a sign im meant to have one...and also becoming a rspca officer is out of the question. i would end up behind bars waaaay to often.
would like some company tomorrow night. not that i will get it. oh well.
pork loin steaks, steamed veg and steak chips for tea. maybe some gravy. got to use the steak chips up. dont hold hope on them staying down.
 ((GOT to))
well two people have blocked me have made me a touch sadder. those who dont know already..i have a mental illness which sometimes means i go overboard with things. thanks to those who have stook by me through the highs and the extreme lows. feel really low right now...and people wonder why im antisocial
would love someone to cuddle up to tonight. just need a cuddle session. :/ why are there no cuddly single men around when you want one. i live quite close to town yet hardly anyone comes to see me. :( guess only a few care.
awww asda you lie! theres NO cherry in your cherryade. its made with blackcurrant and carrot extracts! bad asda bad!
mmm bananas,grapes,strawberries and cashew nuts in a bowl. uber nom. edward scissorhands before wrestling. oh i am spoiled tonight.
soo envy is under new management. get rid of the current dj for thursday and friday night and get someone who is impartial (i.e doesnt only play for their arsekissers. plays music for EVERYONE), actually has a proper knowledge of various metal, goth, rock etc and i will return for my nights out.
PAY ATTENTION! I am no longer rescuing rats. do not ask me or ask if i know anyone. take them to the rspca, pets at home or put an add in petwise. I AM DONE! i dont want anymore vet bills or buying mass food. PLEASE THINK DEEPLY BEFORE GETTING ANY PET. Ive put my life on hold for 13 years. no longer going to do that.
hopefully next sunday two more tattoos and lost boys one finished. yey. then next is the big one... big thigh piece.
((If it's going to be the whole thigh then yeah it's gonna be fucking massive))
all of a sudden ive hit low. feeling a bit lonely. maybe is time to make appearance changes. maybe its time to change who i am. (in deep thought...pondering on kissing my image goodbye)
ive realised the only thing im selfish over is my bed. rarely share it, usually because i move about in my sleep, kick, punch, headbutt or all 4. usually safer for others not to sleep next to me. haha. its my bed...MINE! :p heehee
time to get munchies and sit down for wrestling. Laters all.
*evil happy grin* my family and friends looked scruffy did we? well bitch, seems like you are the colour green. insult my family and friends again, im coming to find you!
that elated moment you take your underwired bra off and then get into bed.
definatly sticking to the strict diet. its easier than i thought it would be. have to be on the diet because of the meds but after looking at recent photos, im starting to look more like a man the bigger i get. :S
 ((Sure, 'starting to'.))
hahaha! neurofen tablets being recalled because they have accidently put seroquel in them. theres going to be some monged out people about britain! for those who dont know what seroquel is, its a antipsychotic.
So pissed off!!! id love to get hold of that cantankerous bitch!!!!
some men say a womans place is the kitchen. not very well thought out is it. lets put the side of our species that has a shorter temper, have mood swings and generally crazy in a room that has the most dandgerous items in it. not very cleverly thought out. next time you say that to a woman make sure she isnt in the kitchen, you could get a pan or a knife thrown at your head!
time for some sleep. to all the people who are feeling low tonight, dont give up. find happiness within, let it strengthen you. its too late for me, i cant be saved. you can. keep your head up high.
need a huge favour from anyone who works in a hospital, doctors etc that has the tubs of large alcohol wipes (not the tiny injection wipes)and could swipe me a tub or two. i will pay for them...and owe you a huge favour. if you could help that would be great.
Iver decided that the good people wernt worthy of being on my list...(two faced backstabbers anyone???) If you are still on my list, i think your super smashing great. Well done you. give yourselves a round of applause.
well whoever sent that text ought to say who they are and why the hell that text was sent to me. grow a pair and own up!
mini friends clear out... keep nodding off so thats my cue to go to bed. Night and sweet dreams. finish the culling tomorrow.
would love to just lay in bed all day just being cuddled. not much talking, just cuddling. like its ever going to happen. :(
horrible histories kings and queens song gets stuck in my head but it makes me laugh. glad i recorded the songs episodes.
i wish i had more of a social life sometimes but more people means more time spent looking over my shoulder.
just spend the past hour picking out the bits my rats dont like in their food. thats dedication to your pets!