Thursday, 11 August 2011

dear human rights do-gooders. all your medling and suck over the past 20+ years, bet your proud of yourselves now. look what your softly softly attitude is being thrown back in your face. catch the fucking rioters and send them to the most dangerous, poverty striken place on earth...and leave them there. no money, no food, dirty water and no home.


  1. are going round breaking into people houses now? action needs to be taken NOW. our police force is too soft. also where are their full body riot shields gone? its obvious that the police and riot force just standing there arent doing anything. i do agree with bringing the army in. they would take no crap.

  2. ((Someone's sarcastic comment)): I agree with you. Get the army in, ship them out to Africa. They're all black anyway, like you said yesterday, I could see no white people. Send them back where they came from if they don't like it here!

  3. ((SG, in total, hilarious, agreement)): amen to that. even the white, pakistani etc should be taken to the poorest parts of africa, were there is violence from their army. they would soon be wanting to come back and love our country.

  4. ((another sarcastic comment by someone else)): That's right, when has imperialism and nations pride ever caused any problems, even at a fanatical level....

  5. haha. the whole thing disgusts me. theres no need for any of these riots...but i do believe in punishment should fit the crime. its the people who have lost their homes because of the stupid idiots i feel sorry for. if it was my home they tried to get into, the daggers, swords and knives would be coming out. no fucking way they would be walking away with all limbs in tact. i sat and thought what i would do if it was me losing my home etc . wouldnt you think the same way if it was your home?

  6. if your going to be fecisous, just move on. the riots now have hit sheffield and nottingham. reckon town wont be that far behind. im getting ready for and fucker that tries to raid my house! weve animals to protect, i will go to ANY lengths to protect them.
