Saturday, 30 April 2011

i would like a tall, weighty man here cuddling me. over 6ft3 would be great. makes me feel all little and womanly when they are tall. :)
fookinghell! why would any mother allow her 7 year old put a snake of that size around herself! way too big of a snake!
saw 7 is the funniest one! past 30 mins ive laughed several times.
i spit on your grave should be shown to every man as a warning to how evil a woman can get when shes angry.
wanted. a bf who wouldnt try and control me, be understanding that i dont want to see them every day (3, 4 days at most! i need my space), love animals, be understanding, wild spirited and love metal!
woooohoooo!! finally got the media player to play dvds. today i will be watching book of eli, saw 7, toy story 3 and i spit on your grave (had it ages and not been able to watch it as my dvd player didnt like the disc)) Laters all. can contact me on the usual number if you need me.
After long thought last night. Seems these days the only way to get by and have friends these days is to be two faced and a backstabber. Maybe i should become that way?